Sunday, September 27th, 2015
Start: Hertline Campsite
End: Port Clinton
Mileage: 18.5 (+0.2 for missed turn on AT)
I fell asleep relatively quickly last night, considering the noise at the campsite. I was asleep by ~9:15pm and then was up at 6:20am. Many of the Boy Scouts were already milling about, waving their flashlights every which way. I was packed and on trail by 7:15am.
Today's terrain was rocky but relatively flat until the descent into Port Clinton. The rocks added insult to injury for my poor bruised up feet. Today, I went by the Fort Dietrich Snyder Monument (1424'), Eagles Nest Trail (1580'), Eagles Nest Shelter (1593'), Phillips Canyon Spring (1500'). I made good time, descending into Port Clinton (426') by 2:15pm.
Since today was Sunday, there were a lot of day hikers out and about. Unlike yesterday, I didn't see anyone with open carry. I'll be honest and say that, given the odd oppressive flavor of the locals, this worried me a great deal. I think that worry drove me to hike more yesterday than I initially intended. Everyone today was also friendly; many day hikers yesterday were not. It was a nice way to end my hike - shorter day, easier terrain, and friendly day hikers.
When I arrived in town, I checked the bus schedule (and called the bus company) and found out that the local BARTA bus doesn't run on Sundays. I ended up calling for a taxi to take me to the Reading bus station. I'm now on a bus for NYC, where I'll stay overnight with a friend, and then continue back home in the morning. It will be a whirlwind tour of humanity, for sure.