August 9th and 10th, 2015
Start: Under Mountain Trail
End: Rt 7/112
15.0 (+ 2.0)
On August 9th, I hiked with friends from Under Mountain Road, up Under Mountain Trail to Riga Junction, and then south on the AT to Riga Shelter and campsite.
View from Riga Shelter |
We camped out overnight there. The next day on August 10th, we hiked from Riga Shelter to Rt 7/112, passing by Lions Head, Giants Thumb, Rands View, and Mt Prospect.
1500 miles from Springer Mtn |
Rands View |
Due to bridge construction, there was a detour |
We followed the road walk detour around the Iron Mountain Bridge and arrived at Rt 7/112.
November 11th, 2015
Start: Rt 7/112
End: West Cornwall Rd
6.7 (+4.0 wrong direction, +2.7 road walk)
I had the day off from work so I drove out to Rt 7/112's AT parking area. Originally, I'd planned to hike 6.7 miles of the AT through to West Cornwall Rd and then retrace my steps back to my car. I started out from the parking lot at 8:45am. Unfortunately, due to the detour, I accidentally followed the AT north, along the original AT (the other side of the bridge's AT portion). I realized my mistake when I arrived at the bridge construction site 3 miles later. I hiked back to Warren Turnpike and caught a hitch back to my car, rather than walk the rest of the way. I set out from the parking lot yet again at 10:30am, this time going south.
View from AT parking area |
I passed by Belters Campsite, Sharon Mountain Campsite, and Pine Swamp Brook Shelter on my way to West Cornwall Rd. I climbed Sharon Mountain and slide my way through a baby Lemon Squeezer.
I arrived at the road around 1:10pm. I then walked down West Cornwall Rd until it intersected with Rt 7. I attempted to get a hitch but I didn't get anyone to pick me up until I hit Rt 7. I was able to get a ride back to the parking area, arriving by 2pm. I now have only 23 miles of CT left to complete - Old Sharon Rd to Hoyt Rd (CT/NY border). I currently plan to hike it in the spring with a friend over a weekend.
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