Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Start: Tri-Corner Shelter
End: Newfound Gap/Gatlinburg, TH
Miles: 15.1 (+~3 miles in town)
Surprisingly, I got a mostly decent night's sleep. People settled down by ~8:45pm. I was up by 6:10am, and on trail by 7am.
I climbed up Mt Chapman (6216'), dipped down to ~5800', skirted the summit of Mt Sequoyah (5945'), and descended to Copper Gap (5514'). I then climbed to Eagle Rocks (5834'), went by Bradleys View (5476'), descended to Porters Gap (5364'), passed by Charlies Bunion (5522'), and stopped for a quick break at Icewater Spring Shelter (5935'). I climbed to Mt Kephart (6036'), and then descended to Newfound Gap/US 441 (5045').
I arrived at ~2pm. It took me another 45 minutes to catch a hitch down to Gatlinburg, despite the constant stream of tourists. Finally, a lovely family (grandparents and grandson and his girlfriend) in a pickup truck came by specifically to be kind and take me to town.
Once I got to town, I had to do some searching to locate a place to do laundry, as no motels here it. I managed to find a long term motel/room rental place right near the motel I'm staying at that will let me use their laundry. I did my resupply shopping close to the motel, rather than try to get to the actual grocery store outside of town. I paid more, by a long shot, but it was less stressful. I located a number of shuttle/taxi services, though few offered what I need, and arranged for a shuttle back to the trail tomorrow morning. I'm currently enjoying the ministrations of Mellow Mushroom's vegan Thai Dye... sooo good it will be breakfast too!
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