Saturday, April 25, 2015

PA/MD/WV AT hike, day #1

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

From: Presbyterian Church of the Mountain Hostel, Delaware Water Gap, PA

To: camping beyond Sempa Spring

Mileage: ~24.4 (+2.0 for water ) miles

I left the hostel early and was on the trail by 6:35am. I made very good time in the morning, making 6.5 miles in 2.25 hours. I climbed Mt Minsi and Wolf Rocks. As many folks have noted, the northern PA AT is know for its rocky trail; it has slowed me down a bit. Water was hard to come by today; I only was able to refill my water bottles twice and I was out of water for over an hour. I'm glad I'm doing this hike in the spring; in the summer, this section must be dry as a bone. 

I arrived at the road just shy of my destination around 3:50pm and made the decision to take a detour to a local thru-hiker's house where they offered water and a cold shower. Had I known it was steeply downhill, I would have pressed on. It's a bit cold today for a cold shower so I only took a sponge bath with the cold water. The detour added ~2 miles to today's hike.

From there, I hiked past Sempa Spring and found a camping spot. My tent set up nicely and I'm pretty comfortable. My feet have some hot spots but no blisters yet.

I'm quite happy with my day's work and I'm excited to be staying at a B n B tomorrow night (with hot water, real beds, and dinner and breakfast  meal).

1 comment:

  1. Give the feet a nice rest tonight! I always look forward to reading your hiking journals. Have you ever tried hiking in toe socks? I find that my feet are less father and I get far fewer sore spots and blisters in them then regular socks. I look forward to your next installment! Hike safely.
